
Established in 2015, Adam Ferguson Consulting (AFC) is a management consultancy in Toronto, Canada. AFC supports ambitious people and organizations who recognize the value of building better strategies and more effective leadership.

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what we believe

Ambition and curiosity drive superior results

Better Strategy emphasizes integrated and highly structured decision-making. It takes an outside-in perspective and embraces uncertainty. Better strategy distinguishes ambitious, value-creating organizations from the rest.

An organization's people are at the heart of its strategy. Insight, critical thought, and a willingness to ask questions drive design, while capability development and highly engaged leadership enable effective execution.


Empower your organization to deliver on its strategic vision

Our work is highly collaborative, requiring commitment from our client organizations. We are hands-on and integrate into our client's team(s) throughout an engagement.

Our strength is our ability to stretch the thinking of an organization, challenge assumptions, and enhance decision-making.

Our role is to assess with honesty and advise with integrity. Our focus is always the rigorous support of clients as they make choices, build new and enhance existing capabilities, and improve the strength of their leadership.

Our Services

Creating value with our clients


Our value to clients starts with earned trust and a mutual commitment to agreeing and achieving the right set of goals. In the private and public sectors, in for-profit and for-impact organizations, strong client relationships are at the heart of what we do.

Candid Conversation

Candor is a critical component of strategic conversation. An organization can only effectively assess and improve upon the status quo when leaders can speak with each other openly, honestly, and productively.

Right Fit

Our clients have the willingness to challenge their own thinking. They possess the patience and persistence to drive change. Further, they possess the integrity and confidence to seek guidance while retaining ownership of and accountability for decision-making.

Outcome Oriented

Our measure of success is tangible progress against a well-chosen set of goals, not the production of consultant-focused deliverables. Compelling and creative strategy design is only as good as an organization's ability to execute.

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